When you were once known as a one-hit-wonder, you can’t really do a medley of your hit.
That’s true for everyone, not just 70’s rock bands. Change is a constant, or should be. Change is growth. Change is acceptance. Change is invigorating. Change is brave. Change is necessary.
I recently heard a song on a Spotify playlist that immediately made me smile and I was instantly transported back to 1974 and a nightclub and a vibe. And it was surprising and fun and memorable. So I googled the song and found out the group who recorded it was still performing it on their tour, and there was a photo lock up of the beautiful-in-a-seventies-kind-of-way young band matched with a similarly posed photo of the band now. Ouch.
Same hairstyles only grayer, same glitter and shoulder-pads only mustier, and randomly placed rags tied to arms or legs or heads, looking like disco triage after the sweet green icing melted down.
I love my memories. I do. And they fuel me and are chapters of a very diversified book with many memorable characters and influences and life events. But this is 1974 we’re observing and that was 50 years ago. And it makes me sad for the band members, trying desperately to be their past selves because the following years never quite gelled for them.
Memories are just that – remembered moments. They’re comforting and smile inducing and happy making and necessary. But they happened. They “were” as opposed to “are”.
So, whether you’re a former rock star or an accountant or a teacher or a graphic designer or even a politician...especially a politician, acknowledge the changes that are occurring around you every day. Read the room, take a good look at your skill set, analyze your act, and become the best version of your current self. Oh, and while you’re at it, maybe invest in a full length mirror. Just a thought.
(And yes, I created the image for this blog in AI because, well, here we are.) - me
What’s dangerous is not to evolve.
– Jeff Bezos