I have a lot of friends who changed direction this year.

With some, it was their choice. With others, the choice was made for them. With others still, it was a mutual decision between employee and employer...which means...the choice was made for them.
Change is a theme and a constant for this era. Regardless of age, regardless of industry. So much so, that it should be taught in school – BIZ-101 - 3 Credits - How to Prepare for Your Next Job While Enjoying (Somewhat Insecurely) Your Current One – just a thought.
Out of necessity, many businesses – big and small – are consolidating and streamlining where they can. Out of necessity, many of the multi-generational life-seekers I hear from are often changing categories as they look, or maybe the categories are changing on their own. It’s kinda like old school Pinball, where whatever worked yesterday doesn’t necessarily work today, so maybe it’s time to try a new machine.
If you’re smart, resilient and forward-thinking, consulting or independent contracting can be an ideal fit, for you and your client. Skill sets are more malleable than I think we were ever led to believe. And Industry Specific often turns out to mean Dead End. That’s why I’m a firm believer in curiosity about everything, and never allowing yourself to get dangerously comfortable or conveniently pigeon-holed. Comfortable how? And convenient for whom, exactly? I wonder...
“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”
– Milton Berle