My resolutions haven’t changed since I was in college and had a personal philosophy
based on equal parts Thoreau, Frank Lloyd Wright and the Supremes.
Breathe. Think. And the name of love.
My goal in life has always been the same and is pretty basic – to be better today than I was yesterday and better tomorrow than I am every way. A better person. A better friend. A better artist. Better. Not compared to anybody else. That’s ridiculous. Just to me. Otherwise, what’s the point? So, I give it my best shot and some days I succeed more than others. But the goal stays the same.
This past year came with a surprise assortment of What’s Next? and Are You Kidding Me?, from the inevitable – turning 70 (which is a number I relate to miles per hour not age, especially mine) – to retirement (which is a word and concept I’ve never understood, so I’m making up my own definition as I go along) – to floating down the Danube with three of my favorite people (beautiful, peaceful, sigh-inducing and a laugh riot) – to experiencing and overcoming a mini-stroke (terrifying, annoying, surmountable and apparently the kind of blatant brick-in-the-face reminder someone like me needs to stop, now and then, and breathe).
I’m beginning the new year older (definitely), wiser (possibly), happier (inevitably) and healthier (amen to that!). And I’m very fortunate indeed to be surrounded by the most wonderful people who make everything magic. Beauty is where you find it – never stop searching and discovering.
So, here are my New Year’s resolutions once again – reminders more than resolutions, but a little reminder now and then never hurts.
1. HUG MORE. Because there’s no down side. Ever.
2. SUPPORT MORE. Because why wouldn’t you? Don’t be shy about it.
3. APPRECIATE MORE. Because everything you experience is a gift, quite simply.
4. SEE MORE. Because it’s all around you and it’s always changing.
5. LISTEN MORE. Because nothing is more luxuriously beautiful than quiet.
6. LAUGH MORE. Because it feels good, it burns calories, it keeps you young and it perpetuates itself in those around you.
7. DANCE MORE. Because you can.
8. SAY "THANK YOU" MORE. Because you should.
9. ASK MORE. Because you don’t know everything and there’s so much to know.
10. LOVE MORE. Because.
And always Find the Joy. Because it’s there...I promise.
Be happy, be healthy, be wonderful, be you. Big New Year’s Hugs!
- Bill