104 in reality.

When temperatures reach plastic melting territory, the mind wanders to thoughts of snow. At least mine does. After 6 years of summers in Florida, I imagine a beautiful, cinematic, never slushy fantasy of rolling whiteness, perfectly timed snowflakes, and cool, dry weather. And after the snow has stopped and the familiar world is newly sugar coated, there’s that wonderfully thoughtful quiet of the after-snow that seems to say everything is new again and anything is possible...
But I digress. And apparently romanticize and possibly embellish a little. Be that as it may, the visual fantasy of snow is...something. And refreshing. Which reminds me of a memory...
It was several years ago, when the Muse and I used to live in New York during the week and drive out to Pennsylvania on weekends. On one particular weekend, we were hit with a major snow storm...like a couple of feet of snow...that kind of major. And being New Yorkers who were only there for the weekend, we didn’t plan for a snow storm. Surprise.
We didn’t plan for an extended stay, so the cupboards were close to bare, or at least they seemed that way to me. But the Muse visualizes food differently than most people and what, to most, looked to be zero possibilities, he recreated as a mini-feast...with champagne, no less.
Imagination is a wonderful thing. Talent is a wonderful thing. And together, they’re kind of magical.
And just like that, our epically disastrous snow drama turned into a delicious long weekend. Nice.
So, with August just around the corner and continued excessive heat pretty much guaranteed, imagine the snow, recreate a memory, envision a new day with a more refreshing outcome...
And don’t forget the champagne!
I grew up thinking of snow as a luxury you visit.
– John Landis