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Writer's pictureWILLIAM A SLOAN

Hello Goodbye Hello

I’m back. And for those of you who missed me and let me know, Thanks!

May 21st was the last blog I wrote and sent to y’all – seven months ago – and it’s amazing how much can happen over the course of seven months. The good, the bad, the ugly, the combinations of all three, which are often the most interesting. So, since it’s the beginning of a new year filled with possibilities, and the end of a year filled with composted hopes and dreams – some fertile, some not so – I thought it might be a good time to take my brain out for a weekly stroll again and see what’s going on up there, and stop on Fridays to share my monologued conversations with all of you – “those wonderful people out there in the dark.”

Which makes me think of Sunset Boulevard, which makes me think of my brilliantly talented friend Karen, who starred in Sunset Boulevard on Broadway. And how much fun is it to write a sentence like that? Very much fun. My point being, that if you’re lucky enough and curious enough and open enough throughout your life, you get to meet all kinds of amazingly wonderful people and most of us take that for granted, which we shouldn’t because it’s like investing in your future self, a future filled with amazing characters and memories that come together to make you who you are.

The thought of growing gradually predictable and mentally dulled is terrifying to me, the way some people are terrified of difference or change. I think it’s good to take your sunglasses off more often and look at things and people and events in clear, broad daylight and take a good, long, hard look and say to yourself, well, what do we have here?

Without judgment. Did I say that? That’s the key.

Moving forward into the next hundred blogs, I hope to hear more from all of you because, quite frankly, I miss a lot you...except that one guy. And quite frankly, you miss me too...except that one guy. And this is a way for me to say, “Hi” every week. Checking in, in a low-key way which is hopefully occasionally amusing or thoughtful or connective.

When you look back at 2022, my wish for you is that it was positive at the end of the day, filled with good people and personal moments and times of growth and times of self-discovery and the occasional martini. And now we’re revving up for 2023 and I’m excited to see what you do with it. Drop me a line and let me know and I promise to do the same...whether you want me to or not. You see, I think I’m fascinating and you want to know why? Because I think you’re all fascinating, and you all tolerate me, so there’s that.

Happy New Year everyone! And welcome back. And do respond when the spirit moves you, because I thrive on the good graces of others. We all do.

If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours.

And if they don’t, they never were.

– Khalil Gibran

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Dec 30, 2022

Welcome back, you’ve been missed, I suspect, by more than a few. I look forward to your casual and not so casual thoughts and wit.


Dec 30, 2022

Brilliance and wisdom returns! Thank you for being you, Bill!

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